November 2, 2020
The steps listed in an article (circulating on social media) instructing U.S. citizens about the "10 things you need to know to stop a coup" are way too little and far too late. The one insisting "Do call it a coup" so "people know it's wrong and a violation of Democratic norms", is particularly droll.
Because, the fascist coup started on June 1 when the president ordered federal troops, decked out in full Robocop gear, to fire tear-gas and rubber bullets at unarmed civilians protesting in front of the White House so he could walk across the street for a photo opportunity at a church he had attended exactly twice before holding a bible he's never read.
Today on my blog I explain that The Coup Started Five Months Ago.
Because, the fascist coup started on June 1 when the president ordered federal troops, decked out in full Robocop gear, to fire tear-gas and rubber bullets at unarmed civilians protesting in front of the White House so he could walk across the street for a photo opportunity at a church he had attended exactly twice before holding a bible he's never read.
Today on my blog I explain that The Coup Started Five Months Ago.
October 27, 2020
Explain to me again why I should vote for Biden who has stated publicly that he's not opposed to racist, police-brutality-apologist, forced-pregnancy-movement-proponent, shove-my-religion-down-your-throat Amy Coney Barrett because she "seems like a very fine person" and who is vetting Republicans for potential Cabinet positions?
Or why I should endorse a VP candidate who won't push for any progressive policies like access to health care during a pandemic when people lost their employee health insurance?
Today on my blog I mention a few reasons Why I Won't #VoteBlue.
Or why I should endorse a VP candidate who won't push for any progressive policies like access to health care during a pandemic when people lost their employee health insurance?
Today on my blog I mention a few reasons Why I Won't #VoteBlue.
October 8, 2020
My Twitter bio specifically states that I ignore and report trolls. And, normally I do. But an offhand remark about pigs who wear uniforms versus ones who get turned into bacon and roasts, inspired a confrontation between an inebriated liberal and an abolitionist on my time line.
The liberal apparently had one too many cocktails -- enough to remove her inhibitions about how she responded, but not enough to impact her ability to (mostly) spell correctly -- and apologized the next day. But since I jumped into the conversation to make some points that are important for liberals to understand, I decided to reiterate them on my blog. A Liberal, an Abolitionist, a Radical Meet on Twitter.
The liberal apparently had one too many cocktails -- enough to remove her inhibitions about how she responded, but not enough to impact her ability to (mostly) spell correctly -- and apologized the next day. But since I jumped into the conversation to make some points that are important for liberals to understand, I decided to reiterate them on my blog. A Liberal, an Abolitionist, a Radical Meet on Twitter.
September 5, 2020
On the 100th night of the #BlackLivesMatter protests in Portland, Oregon I collected a relatively small number of tweets (six of the hundreds produced each night) with videos and photographs showing how false the counter-narratives surrounding the protests are.
Over and over again, throughout the country, protests against police brutality are met with outrageous police violence. If you still need proof there's absolutely no correlation between police arrests and criminal activity, I write about Violent Police Response to Protests Against Police Brutality on my blog.
Over and over again, throughout the country, protests against police brutality are met with outrageous police violence. If you still need proof there's absolutely no correlation between police arrests and criminal activity, I write about Violent Police Response to Protests Against Police Brutality on my blog.
August 31, 2020
Cops in Portland, Oregon have been harassing, beating, gassing, shooting, and arresting people protesting police brutality for almost 100 days, now. And the politicians, from the mayor to the governor, refuse to do anything to even discourage the police from their rampant violence. They're so clueless, they don't even understand the outrageousness of a brutal police response to protests about police brutality.
So Oregon Governor Kate Brown is finally going to do something. She has a "plan" to bring police violence to an end in Portland by ... engendering more police violence. Never underestimate the power of a politician to make things much, much, much worse.
So Oregon Governor Kate Brown is finally going to do something. She has a "plan" to bring police violence to an end in Portland by ... engendering more police violence. Never underestimate the power of a politician to make things much, much, much worse.
August 17, 2020
On August 4, 2020 Jordan Hollingsworth drove a pickup truck through barricades set up to protect protesters on North Lombard in Portland, Oregon; drove faster through the crowd when those protestors tried to stop him; and then ran over and dragged a motorcycle, laid down in front of his truck in an attempt to stop him, for several blocks. He narrowly missed hitting a number of people with his vehicle (because of their dexterity not because of any attempt on his part to avoid killing someone).
Now Hollingsworth, apparently not content to get away with not being arrested for attempted assault (or even murder), has decided to take the right-wing path of demanding compensation for the damage he did to his own truck. Allegedly his mommy, Dalia Kingsley, created a fundraiser on GoFundMe attempting to coerce his fellow racists into paying for the damages, because GoFundme Supports White Supremacy and Racism.
Now Hollingsworth, apparently not content to get away with not being arrested for attempted assault (or even murder), has decided to take the right-wing path of demanding compensation for the damage he did to his own truck. Allegedly his mommy, Dalia Kingsley, created a fundraiser on GoFundMe attempting to coerce his fellow racists into paying for the damages, because GoFundme Supports White Supremacy and Racism.
July 30, 2020
Privileged people will rant about property damage, claiming acts of vandalism make the #BlackLivesMatter cause less sympathetic, because mitigating systemic racism in this country might require them to give up some of that privilege. Just to reiterate, the brutality of police slaughtering BIPOC is deemed less worthy of horror because someone painted graffiti on a building.
White folks who are horrified by graffiti but not dead Black bodies were also shocked to discover the Gestapo was occupying Portland, so many of them joined the protesters. Some of them are reporting what they see as if their experience is universal. But, because they're white, because they haven't been there from the end of May, and for various other reasons, their experience is not the same as anyone else's. On my blog I discuss how some of those people are sharing So Much Misinformation.
White folks who are horrified by graffiti but not dead Black bodies were also shocked to discover the Gestapo was occupying Portland, so many of them joined the protesters. Some of them are reporting what they see as if their experience is universal. But, because they're white, because they haven't been there from the end of May, and for various other reasons, their experience is not the same as anyone else's. On my blog I discuss how some of those people are sharing So Much Misinformation.
July 25, 2020
If you're still optimistic, if you still believe the Fanta Fuhrer can be removed from office by voting him out in November, you haven't been paying attention to what's going on in Portland, Oregon (and/or you're getting biased information from mainstream media outlets who parrot Mayor #TearGasTed's and Police Chief #LyingLovell's BS) and across the country.
Read more on my blog, To Those Still Asleep, if you don't understand why you no longer have any other choice. You're either part of the resistance or you're a collaborator.
Read more on my blog, To Those Still Asleep, if you don't understand why you no longer have any other choice. You're either part of the resistance or you're a collaborator.
July 22, 2020
Portlanders who aren't involved in the #PDXProtests are quick to assure their social media friends and followers that Portland is not, contrary to #FauxNews reports, a city at war, under siege, and/or torn apart by riots.
It's important to understand that there ARE riots every night. The police riot. The Feds riot. They attack people who are literally just standing in the park, on the sidewalk, in a crosswalk, on the street, passing by the protest areas (walking and in vehicles, dragging them out of their cars and/or filling the car with tear gas) with weapons of war and beat them with batons and their fists.
Read more on my blog, including how to answer the Nationwide Call for Action.
It's important to understand that there ARE riots every night. The police riot. The Feds riot. They attack people who are literally just standing in the park, on the sidewalk, in a crosswalk, on the street, passing by the protest areas (walking and in vehicles, dragging them out of their cars and/or filling the car with tear gas) with weapons of war and beat them with batons and their fists.
Read more on my blog, including how to answer the Nationwide Call for Action.
July 18, 2020
For those who weren't paying attention, the Gestapo, aided and abetted by local police, now occupies Portland, Oregon. They arrived in early July of 2020, a little more than a month after the coup to take over the United States began on June 1, 2020.
Heinrich Himmler, aka Chad Wolf, has announced to the world that he intends to take his #FederalOccupation campaign show to a city near you very soon.
Read more on my blog, because Never Again Is Now.
Heinrich Himmler, aka Chad Wolf, has announced to the world that he intends to take his #FederalOccupation campaign show to a city near you very soon.
Read more on my blog, because Never Again Is Now.
July 17, 2020
Heinrich Himmler, aka Chad Wolff, came to Portland on July 16, 2020 and spewed a bunch of lies about "violent anarchists". On Friday, he tweeted: "Our men and women in uniform are patriots. We will never surrender to violent extremists on my watch."
Read my response on my blog, because This Is What Fascism Looks Like.
Read my response on my blog, because This Is What Fascism Looks Like.